New Generation Hybrid Energy Storage Device Based on Nickel Manganese Cobalt Oxide and Activated Carbon Cathode

Wednesday, 31 May 2017: 16:30
Grand Salon C - Section 15 (Hilton New Orleans Riverside)
M. A. Hagen (Florida State University), W. Cao (General Capacitor LLC), D. L. Adams (Florida A&M University), S. Yturriaga, and J. P. Zheng (Florida State University)
New generation hybrid energy storage devices were created using the battery material Nickel Manganese Cobalt Oxide in combination with Activated Carbon for the cathode. Initial tests were performed on a composite cathode comprised of 25 percent Nickel Manganese Cobalt Oxide and 75 percent Activated Carbon. A comparison of the hybrid composite cathode to traditional commercial cell yielded a specific energy increase of 50 percent from the hybridization of the electrode. The hybrid energy storage device’s capacity was nearly 33 percent higher at low current of 0.08 Amps and was 89 percent of traditional cell at a current of 4.0 Amps. The reduction in max. specific power was found to be approximately 32 percent. Over a current range of 0.08 Amps to 4.0 Amps it can be observed the additional capacity contributed by the Nickel Manganese Cobalt Oxide was no longer seen above 1.0 Amps. Initial cycle life findings indicate at higher currents the cell has the stability traditionally seen with activated carbon electrodes.