This paper will discuss ongoing efforts by Faraday to optimize the deposition conditions for an adherent LHE Zn-Ni alloy coating on aluminum and steel connector surfaces. We will present data on the performance of the alkaline ZnNi process using direct current baseline conditions, while also evaluating the potential to improve coating properties using pulse reverse plating parameters. Specifically, our focus is on improving adhesion of the coating to the substrate, reduction of hydrogen embrittlement challenges, characterization of the functional properties of the coatings, and development of a preliminary technology transition plan. The following material property tests may be evaluated over the course of the program: 1) visual examination (AMS 2460), 2) thickness (ASTM B487 / AMS 2460), 3) adhesion (ASTM B571), 4) hydrogen embrittlement (ASTM F519), 5) corrosion (ASTM B117). This work will help facilitate adoption of alkaline Zn-Ni plating processes as a functional Cd replace for coating DoD mission critical components like electrical connectors and back-shells.
This material is based upon work supported by an SBIR from the US Air Force under Grant No. FA8501-16-P-0047 References:
1 W. H. Safranek, Plat. Surf. Finish., 84(8), 45 (1997).
2 D. Altura, F. Mansfield and L. P. Streett, Plating, 61, 850 (Sept., 1974).
3 A. J. Boehm , Plat., Surf. Finish., 80, 52 (1970).
4 James A. Bates, Plat. Surf. Finish., 4, 36 (1994).