N. Zheludev, opening a META-2014 congress in Singapore, made a provocative statement: “The time of metamaterials is over. It is the time of …tuneable metamaterials”. Electrochemistry, known to physicists as a “surface science with a joy stick — the potentiostat” (B.Ocko) is actually in a best position to deliver innovations on this front. It can be used to tune the properties of nano and micro- structures designed to be electrochemically controlled. In such structures, varying electrode potentials rearranges the ionic distributions, remarkably affecting system properties.
In this keynote I will discuss few most recent examples of electroactive/electrotuneable materials, the study of many of which are still in progress, and the design of which has been navigated or strongly influenced by the theory. These are
- Electrovariable nanoplasmonic mirrors and trace analyte sensors [1-2].
- Electrotuneable friction [3]
- Ultrananoporous supercapacitors [4,5]
- Electroactuators [6]
- Reverse electroactuators — harvesters of mechanical energy, such as AC-current generating shoes [7]
- Electrochemical single molecule rectifiers [8]
Looking pretty much applied, all this systems, however, rest on interesting physics, contain challenges for theory, themselves emerged as derivatives of knowledge that electrochemistry accumulated by now.
[1] J. Edel, A.A. Kornyshev, A. Kucernak, M. Urbakh, “Fundamentals and applications of self-assembled plasmonic nanoparticles at interfaces”, Chemical Soc. Reviews (2016) - DOI: 10.1039/c5cs00576k.
[2] J.B. Edel, A.A.Kornyshev, M.Urbakh. “Self-assembly of nanoparticle arrays for use as mirrors, sensors, and antennas”, ACS NANO, 7, 9526-9632 (2013).
[3] O. Fajardo, F. Bresme, A.A. Kornyshev, M. Urbakh, Electrotunable lubricity with ionic liquid nanoscale films,
Scientific Reports (NPG) 5 # 7698 (2015); “Electrotunable friction with ionic liquid lubricants: how important is the molecular structure of ions?” J.Phys.Chem.Lett. 6, 3998-4004 (2015).
[4] M.V.Fedorov, A.A.Kornyshev, Ionic liquids at electrified interfaces, Chem.Rev. 114, 2978−3036 (2014).
[5] S. Kondrat, A.A.Kornyshev, Pressing a spring: what does it take to maximize the energy storage in nanoporous supercapacitors? Nanoscael Horizons, B1, 45-52 (2016).
[6] A. Lee, R. Colby, A.A. Kornyshev, “Electroactuation with single charge carrier ionomers: the roles of electrostatic pressure and steric strain”, Soft Matter 9, 3767-3776 (2013).
[7] A.B. Kolomeisky, A.A. Kornyshev, 2016, Current-generating 'double layer shoe' with a porous sole, J. Phys.Cond.Matter 28, ISSN: 0953-8984 (2016).
[8] K.C.M. Cheung, X. Chen, T.Albrecht, A. A. Kornyshev, “Principles of a single-molecule rectifier in electrolytic environment”, J.Phys.Chem.C (2016) - DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.5b10320.