In order to make this comparison, a family of catalysts is synthesized by the polymerization of nitrogen precursors around a carbon support and metal precursor [1, 6-7]. Upon heat treatment at 900 °C and subsequent acid washes, a nitrogen-rich, metal-nitrogen-carbon matrix is synthesized. These catalysts are characterized physically and electrochemically. In this work the nickel-based MNC catalyst is shown to be a significant improvement over the Fe-based catalysts and other non-precious metal alternatives. Although the iron-based catalyst shows lower onset overpotential, the nickel-based catalyst has higher peak currents and a longer lifetime.
In this work it is found that the higher current densities and longer lifetime are a result of increased resistance to CO-poisoning. Furthermore, the CO-poisoning allows in situ confirmation of active site quantification via carbon monoxide adsorption techniques. Ultimately, these findings allow optimization of MNC catalysts resulting in high performance non-precious metal catalysts for CO2RR.
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