Specifically, we have functionalized the surface of the hematite photoelectrode with the light harvesting antenna protein c-phycocyanin (CPC) and ran it as a bio-hybrid pphotoelectode in strong alkaline and neutral pH buffer saline - and found that the chromophores surpass the denaturation of the proteins and still can be performance enhancing. Further refinement of the assembly by genetic engineering of the algae to obtain a histidine tagged CPC was also investigated, as well as the blending the system with melanin. We carried out impedance studies and synchrotron based resonant valence band photoemission studies to learn abu the cahrge transfer across the bio-metal oxide interface.
Finally we grew an algal biofilm on the photoelectrode and operated it under photoelectrophysiological conditions in an ambient pressure XPS chamber under 150 mTorr water vapor and determined the valence band shift under different electric bias and light/dark influence.
[1] A. Braun, F. Boudoire, D. K. Bora, G. Faccio, Y. Hu, A. Kroll, B. S. Mun, S. T. Wilson, Biological components and bio-electronic interfaces of water splitting photo-electrodes for solar hydrogen production, Chem. Eur. J. 2015, 21(11), 4188-4199.