(Invited) 2D Materials: Large Scale Synthesis, Doping, and Transport

Wednesday, 4 October 2017: 13:30
Chesapeake A (Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center)
J. A. Robinson (Pennsylvania State University)
The last decade has seen nearly exponential growth in the science and technology of two-dimensional materials. The evoltion of 2D materials has gone from understanding basic properties in mechanically exfoliated to concerted efforts in synthesizing these layers over arge areas via chemical and physical deposition routes. Furthermore, we have demonstrated that direct synthesis of 2D heterostructure layers also allows for additional “dimensionality” for band structure engineering. In this talk, I will discuss recent breakthroughs in two-dimensional atomic layer synthesis and properties, including novel 2D heterostructures and novel 2D nitrides. Our recent works include development of an understanding of substrate impact on 2D layer growth and properties, doping of 2D materials to tune their elecrtronic properties from p- to n-type, selective area synthesis of 2D materials, and the first demonstration of 2D gallium nitride (2D-GaN). Our work and the work of our collaborators has lead to a better understanding of how substrate not only impacts 2D crystal quality, but also doping efficiency in 2D materials, and stabalization of nitrides at their quantum limit.