(Invited) Interface Engineering and Characterization in Lithium-Garnet Batteries

Thursday, 5 October 2017: 08:10
Maryland C (Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center)
L. Hu (University of Maryland Energy Research Center)
Solid state electrolytes are known for non-flammability, dendrite blocking, and stability over large potential windows. Garnet-based solid-state electrolytes have attracted much attention for their high ionic conductivities and stability with lithium metal anodes. However, high interface resistance with lithium anodes hinders their application to lithium metal batteries. In this talk, I will discuss various interface engineering materials for Li metal and Garnet, including ALD Al2O3, PECVD Si, metals and alloys (Nature Materials 2016; JACS 2016; Advanced Materials 2017; Science Advances 2017).

I will also discuss our recent progress on cathode-garnet interface engineering. I will also discuss our recent achievement on in-situ neutron depth profiling technique in understanding Li-garnet and CNT-garnet interfaces.