By combining X-ray absorption spectroscopy with high resolution, hard X-ray transmission microscopy (TXM), we have tracked the chemical changes of electrode material in real time during typical battery operation (Figure). [1, 2] We will discuss recent results tracking electrochemical and morphological changes in cathode materials during cycling, including LiFePO4,[3] LiCoO2, and Li2Cu0.5Ni0.5O2. Finally, we will discuss how ptychography, an emerging X-ray microscopy technique that promises sub-5 nm resolution, has the potential to image batteries during cycling at resolutions that rival in situ TEM with liquid cells.
[1] J.N. Weker, X. Huang, M.F. Toney, 2 (2016) 14-21.
[2] J. Nelson Weker, M.F. Toney, Advanced Functional Materials, 25 (2015) 1622-1637.
[3] J. Nelson Weker, Y. Li, R. Shanmugam, W. Lai, W.C. Chueh, ChemElectroChem, 2 (2015) 1576-1581.