(Invited) Towards the Physical Reliability of 3D-Integrated Systems

Wednesday, 12 October 2022: 13:35
Room 309 (The Hilton Atlanta)
Y. Obeng (National Institute of Standards and Technology), P. K. Amoah (Electrical Eng. Dept., Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA 23529), C. E. Sunday (National Institute of Standards and Technology), C. Okoro (NIST), J. Ahn, L. You, D. Veksler, and J. Kopanski (National Institute of Standards and Technology)
In this talk, we present an overview of our current research focus in developing non-destructive metrology for monitoring reliability issues in 3D-integrated electronic systems. Working closely with the semiconductor industry, we have been looking at various performance limiting phenomena in 3D-interconnects, the associated dielectrics, and advanced packaging for integrated circuits.

The talk will identify some common reliability concerns, and identify some metrology gaps, for 3-D integrated systems. We will introduce a suite of microwave-based Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopic (BDS) techniques and show how these non-destructive metrologies can serve as early warning monitors for reliability issues. These techniques are based on the application of high frequency microwaves, to probe impedance changes due to material and structural changes in integrated circuits under various external stress. For example, we will also discuss the combination of BDS with scanning probe infrastructure to create the Scanning Microwave Microscopy (SMM) technique, which has been used to detect buried artifacts and characterize metallic contacts. We further illustrate the capabilities of the BDS-based techniques with case studies of three potential reliability issues in 3D IC.

We conclude with a forward look at the future metrology and standards needs 3-D interconnects and the associated advanced packaging.