In this talk, we will introduce revolving scanning transmission electron microscopy (RevSTEM) for the characterization of semiconductors. The method uses a series of fast-acquisition STEM images, but with the scan coordinates rotated between successive frames. This scan rotation introduces a concomitant change in image distortion that is then used to analyze the sample drift rate and direction. Multiple case studies will be presented to demonstrate the power of this technique to characterize electronic materials. For example, we will show how picometer level precision and accuracy enabled the capability to directly quantify ferroelectric HfO2 thin films. We will also show how RevSTEM images can be used to accurately determine crystallographic parameters in real-space, and to determine the structural origins of polarization.
When combined with modern spectroscopy tools, the technique can directly inform growth mechanisms in AlN based materials for fabrication of quantum well structures. Specifically, We will show the interface quality between various AlGaN/AlN quantum wells using a combination of high-angle annular dark-field (HAADF) imaging and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). We will show that we can directly measure the lattice parameters for each layer and how they vary across each AlN/AlGaN interface. Using EDS, we correlate the lattice parameters and lattice parameter values to the chemical composition in each layer. We show that throughout multiple quantum well structures, there is an asymmetrical interface with a diffusion of Ga on one side of the AlGaN layer. Further, we will discuss fluctuation in the composition present throughout each layer and the role on the local strain distribution.