(Invited) Framework for Structural, Processing, and Environmental Assessment of Micro to Nano Scaled Integrated Circuit Structures
(Invited) Framework for Structural, Processing, and Environmental Assessment of Micro to Nano Scaled Integrated Circuit Structures
Wednesday, May 14, 2014: 14:40
Union, Ground Level (Hilton Orlando Bonnet Creek)
Micro to nano-scaled structures are progressively being integrated into semiconductor architecture and will have a global impact on filtration, biosensing, and energy storage. These structures include micro and nano sized fiber membranes for electrodes, nanolaminates for trenched capacitors, or nanofiber membranes for sensing and actuating. For integrated circuit innovations, the ultimate thrust is to provide superior functionality and structural durability without adversely impacting the environment. As micro to nano-scaled structures rapidly progress toward scalable manufacturing, it is critical and timely to conduct fundamental investigations on assessing material composition impacts on functional failures and environmental sustainability. This research uses a failure and life cycle assessment (FLCA) process to understand material composition influence on micro and nano structure 1) properties, 2) performance limiting defects (failure), and 3) environmental impacts The FLCA integrates multiple characterization stages, performance testing, and environmental assessments of fiber membranes. This work will have a long-term impact on the integration of nanoscaled structures into emerging electronic materials per the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS) and identifying a transferable process for a FLCA to evaluate polymer nanofiber technology for ICs.