GaN-based Electronics

Monday, May 12, 2014: 08:00-12:00
Manatee, Ground Level (Hilton Orlando Bonnet Creek)
Stephen J. Pearton and Jen-Inn Chyi
Introductory Remarks
(Invited) Growth and Characterization of High Power AlInN/GaN HEMTs
J. I. Chyi (National Central University, National Applied Research Laboratories), G. Y. Lee, P. T. Tu, and N. T. Yeh (National Central University)
Introduction of EPD Award Lecture
(Invited) (ECS Electronics & Photonics Division Award )Wafer-Level Step-Stressing of InGaP/GaAs HBTs
A. G. Baca, J. A. Kotobi, T. R. Fortune, A. Gorenz, J. F. Klem, R. D. Briggs, J. B. Clevenger, and G. A. Patrizi (Sandia National Laboratories)
(Invited) Simulation of GaN Device Reliability
M. E. Law, E. Patrick, and D. Horton (University of Florida)
(Invited) GaN HEMT Fabrication in a 200mm Si Foundry Environment: The Time Has Come
J. Laroche, K. Ip (Raytheon Integrated Defense Systems), M. Breen (Novati), W. Hoke (Raytheon Integrated Defense Systems), Y. Cao (IQE), J. Bettencourt (Raytheon Integrated Defense Systems), D. Guenther, G. Gebara (Novati), T. Kennedy, B. Schultz (Raytheon Integrated Defense Systems), O. Laboutin, C. Fong (IQE), T. Trimble (Novati), W. Johnson (IQE), T. Kazior, and J. Comeau (Raytheon Integrated Defense Systems)
(Invited) Development of 4 Inch and 6 Inch GaN-on-Si for High-Voltage Operation
C. F. Lo, O. Laboutin, Y. Cao, K. O'Connor, D. Hill, and W. Johnson (IQE)
(Invited) Nanocrystalline Diamond for Near Junction Heat Spreading in GaN Power HEMTs
T. J. Anderson, K. D. Hobart, M. J. Tadjer, A. D. Koehler, T. I. Feygelson, B. B. Pate, J. K. Hite, F. J. Kub, and C. R. Eddy Jr. (Naval Research Laboratory)