Stability Evaluation of Non-Agglomerated Pd Nanoparticle Catalysts for Electroless Deposition
In order to deposit ELP film on dielectric layer, catalyst process is the most important. In general, Sn-Pd process has been used for catalyst process of ELP. In addition, palladium nanoparticles (Pd-NPs) showed high density of adsorption, which assisted achievement of thin and conformal ELP formation in high aspect ratio TSV [1, 2].
To deposit electroless plating, high density of adsorption of Pd-NPs is required. Furthermore, in actual manufacturing process, long term stability that assumed repeated use is strongly desired.
In this study, we have developed the Pd-NPs to shorten the processing time in TSV and disperse in water for a long period. We found that the addition of compound A(COM-A ) or B enable to significantly improve the stability without losing the adsorption property of Pd-NPs.
Fig.1 shows the time transient of the diffusion coefficient of Pd-NPs with and without COM-A in solution which were stored at 25 °C. Diffusion coefficient of the particles were measured by dynamic light scattering (DLS).
In the Pd-NPs solution without COM-A, the diffusion coefficient of the particles gradually decreased. However, the diffusion coefficient of particles maintained a constant value in the Pd-NPs solution with COM-A.
According to the Stokes-Einstein equation, if the temperature and viscosity of a solution is constant, the decreasing of the diffusion coefficient indicates that the particles aggregate each other. Thus, the substantial catalyst particle number can be decreased for the case without COM-A.
Fig.2 shows SEM images of Pd-NPs adsorbed on blanket SiO2. The Pd-NPs solutions were stored 40 days at 25 °C before use. In the case of Pd-NPs solution with COM-A, there is no agglomeration of the particles on the sample. On the other hand, particles agglomeration were occurred in case without COM-A.
In addition, we also found that the addition of COM-A is possible to dispersed again agglomerated Pd-NPs. These results suggest that the Pd-NPs solution with COM-A is applicable to actual manufacturing process.
[1] F. Inoue, S. Shingubara, et al., ECS Transactions, 25 (38) 31-36 (2010)
[2] F. Inoue, S. Shingubara, et al., Electrochimica Acta 82 (2012) 372-277