We have found a major role of the dimensionality dependent density of states (DOS) in mesoscale and nanoscale materials in modulating electron kinetics. We have then discovered several novel characteristics that have never been reported before, such as, (i) the observation of DOS dependent reaction rate constant and electrical current oscillations, coupled with (ii) the prediction of tests of dimensionality/quasi-dimensionality. We posit a chirality dependent electron transfer rate constant in nanotubes and graphene-like structures, considering the coupling of the energy level spacing in the nanostructured electrode with that in the ambient, e.g., electrolyte. The manifestation of novel features in electron transfer kinetics as a function of dimensionality probes new frontiers in the tunability of electrochemical characteristics. We expect our work to generate very wide interest in the scientific community due to the importance of heterogeneous charge transfer across a variety of disciplines.