(Invited) Wetting, Adhesion and Stiction of 2D Materials

Monday, 2 October 2017: 10:00
Chesapeake I (Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center)
S. F. L. Mertens (KU Leuven, TU Wien)
The wetting properties of surfaces, including the adhesion and stiction (static friction) of liquid drops, are critical for processing materials and post-production problems such as fouling. With the emergence of 2D materials such as graphene and hexagonal boron nitride, the interaction of liquids with one-atom-thick matter and its support poses new challenges in our understanding of wetting.

In my talk, I shall present an overview of recent research in this area, ranging from wetting transparency and translucency of graphene [1,2] to electrochemically switchable wetting and adhesion of hexagonal boron nitride [3].

[1] J. Rafiee, X. Mi, H. Gullapalli, A.V. Thomas, F. Yavari, Y.F. Shi, P.M. Ajayan, N.A. Koratkar, Nat. Mater. 11 (2012) 217–222.
[2] C.J. Shih, M.S. Strano, D. Blankschtein, Nat. Mater. 11 (2013) 866–869.
[3] S.F.L. Mertens, A. Hemmi, S. Muff, O. Gröning, S. De Feyter, J. Osterwalder, T. Greber, Nature 534 (2016) 676–679.

Figure: Electrochemical hydrogen intercalation flattens a monolayer of hexagonal boron nitride on Rh(111) and changes advancing (1) and receding (2) contact angles