(Invited) Engineering Metal Oxide Semiconductors for Flexible Electronics

Wednesday, 4 October 2017: 08:30
Chesapeake A (Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center)
R. Martins (CENIMAT, CEMOP/Uninova)
Metal oxides are contributing for generating a free real state electronics that is able to add new electronic functionalities onto surfaces, which currently are not used in this manner and where silicon cannot contribute [1,2]. The already high performance developed n- and p-type TFTs have been processed by physical vapor deposition (PVD) techniques like rf magnetron sputtering at room temperature which is already compatible with the use of low cost and flexible substrates (polymers, cellulose paper, among others). Besides that a tremendous development is coming through solution-based technologies very exciting for ink-jet printing. In this presentation we will review some of the most promising new technologies for n- and p-type thin film transistors based on oxide semiconductors and its currently and future applications.

Moreover, we will refer also to the exploitation of cellulose-based hydrogel as dielectric in TFT on paper as well as to the engineering procedures governing the selection or development of printable nanostructured metal oxide nanoparticles for chromic, photovoltaic, photocatalytic, sensing, electrolyte-gated TFTs, and power storage applications.