E02 Surfactant and Additive Effects on Thin Film Deposition, Dissolution, and Particle Growth

Lead Organizer: Thomas P. Moffat (NIST)

Co-organizers: Peter Broekmann (University of Bern) , Rohan Akolkar (Case Western Reserve University) , Ji-Guang Zhang (Joint Center for Energy Storage Research (JCESR)) and Benjamin Wiley (Duke University)

Monday, 14 May 2018


Surfactant Mediated Nucleation and Growth 1
Room 211
Chair(s): Thomas P. Moffat and Benjamin Wiley


Surfactant Mediated Nucleation and Growth 2
Room 211
Chair(s): Benjamin Wiley and Peter Broekmann

Tuesday, 15 May 2018


Surfactant Mediated Nucleation and Growth 3
Room 211
Chair(s): Jason Zhang and Rohan Akolkar


Surfactant Mediated Nucleation and Growth 4
Room 211
Chair(s): Peter Broekmann and Benjamin J. Wiley


E02 Poster Session
Ballroom 6ABC
Chair(s): Thomas P. Moffat

Wednesday, 16 May 2018


Surfactant Mediated Nucleation and Growth 5
Room 211
Chair(s): Peter Broekmann, Rohan Akolkar and Thomas P. Moffat


Surfactant Mediated Nucleation and Growth 6
Room 211
Chair(s): Rohan Akolkar, Thomas P. Moffat and Peter Broekmann