D01 Semiconductors, Dielectrics, and Metals for Nanoelectronics 16

Lead Organizer: Durgamadhab Misra (New Jersey Institute of Technology)

Co-organizers: Stefan De Gendt (KU Leuven, imec) , Michel Houssa (University of Leuven) , K. Kita (The University of Tokyo) , Dolf Landheer (National Research Council, Canada) , S. Van Elshocht (imec) and Shadi Dayeh (UC San Diego)

Monday, 1 October 2018


High-k Dielectrics and Processing
Universal 7
Chair(s): Durgamadhab Misra, Shadi Dayeh and Stefan De Gendt


Characterization and Simulation
Universal 7
Chair(s): Durgamadhab Misra and Shadi Dayeh


Ferroelectric Materials and Devices
Universal 7
Chair(s): Edward Yi Chang and Koji Kita


D01 Poster Session
Universal Ballroom
Chair(s): Durgamadhab Misra, Shadi Dayeh and Koji Kita

Tuesday, 2 October 2018


2D Materials and Devices
Universal 7
Chair(s): Lincoln J Lauhon and Joan M. Redwing


Novel Devices
Universal 7
Chair(s): Ken Uchida and Muhammad Mustafa Hussain


Memory Devices and Processing
Universal 7
Chair(s): Koji Kita and Heiji Watanabe